Peter Murrell Prohibited from Selling Home with Nicola Sturgeon Amid Investigation

Peter Murrell Prohibited from Selling Home with Nicola Sturgeon Amid Investigation

Peter Murrell can’t sell his home with Nicola Sturgeon due to a crime unit ban, linked to an ongoing investigation into SNP finances. Peter Murrell Prohibited from Selling Home with Nicola Sturgeon Amid Investigation Glasgow: So, here’s the scoop. Peter Murrell, the former SNP chief executive, has been banned from selling his home with Nicola…

Peter Murrell Prevented from Selling Home Amid Ongoing SNP Police Investigation

Peter Murrell Prevented from Selling Home Amid Ongoing SNP Police Investigation

Peter Murrell can’t sell his home due to a police investigation into SNP finances, following embezzlement charges linked to his time as CEO Peter Murrell Prevented from Selling Home Amid Ongoing SNP Police Investigation Uddingston: So, Peter Murrell is in a bit of a pickle. He’s been blocked from selling his home. This comes after…